Monday, February 18, 2008

Russian Women

"In Russia there are many such women. They flourish and perish, and flourish again like flowers upon the roadway of existence. They are the strength behind the Russian nation, the spirit of its beauty".

"Strong women rear them: strong men look down upon them".

"During all their life they never forget God, they never sully themselves, they are never tempted by evil. Simply and tranquilly they live, their eyes full of light because their hearts are pure".

"Because of them Russia is strong. Because of them the sun shines freshly and the birds sing. Because of their holiness men are allowed to be secular".

"Russia herself, as has been observed, is a woman-nation. She is the Western-man's wife, the womb of nations. Because of her holiness and simplicity, we may be worldly wise and live in towns".

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